Hydrology Study

Assessment Recommendation 2.6.1 suggests studying the watershed’s hydrology and hydraulics. In 2012, San Diego EarthWorks  completed a hydrologic and hydraulic study that identifies restoration opportunities in the watershed was completed, thanks to funding from the California Coastal Conservancy. Through extensive field work, data collection, mapping and modeling, The Rose Creek Watershed Wetland, Riparian and Water Quality Restoration Opportunities Analysis recommends a variety of specific projects to improve the watershed.

Three iterative restoration scenarios were modeled to identify 19 sites that would be suitable for restoration based on landform, adjacency to the creeks, and non-native or lower quality existing habitats. The goal was to identify and analyze specific opportunities to restore wetland and riparian functions, including floodplain reconnection, habitat enhancement and hydrology and water quality improvement. The report was prepared by cbec, inc., eco-engineering , Trestles Environmental Corporation, and KTU+A   for San Diego EarthWorks